i.MX 8M Plus Starter Kit Software QA Test Plan

1. Purpose

This document provides a description of the QA tests used for validation of i.MX 8M Plus Starter Kit weekly engineering builds and release builds.

2. Board Preparations

Connect to the board (see ):

  • Ethernet cable

  • WiFi antenna

  • USB hub, with USB keyboard and mouse attached, into the USB1 connector.

  • HDMI monitor

3. QA Tests

3.1. SD Installation and Booting Test

  1. Install release image to SD card, as per .

  2. Boot to shell prompt using SD card, measure boot time (~25 seconds).

3.2. Ethernet Test

  1. Check that internet access is configured automatically.

  2. Run ping google.com.

3.3. USB Flash Test

  1. Insert USB Flash to USB hub. Run “lsblk”. Make sure /dev/sda and /dev/sda1 are present:

    user@imx8mpnavq:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 1 28.9G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 1 28.9G 0 part /media/user/BEF4-F228 ...

3.4. WiFi Test

  1. Unplug Ethernet cable.

  2. Configure and test WiFi as per .

3.5. HDMI Test

  1. Check that login is displayed on HDMI monitor.

  2. Login to desktop using USB keyboard and mouse (“user” account).

  3. Start Chromium browser (upper left corner->"nine dots"->Chromium browser).

  4. Open https://staging.voxelbotics.com page.

3.6. BlueTooth Test

  1. Bluetooth is configured automatically in recent builds (starting from 1.1.5-359, 0.0.1-358). If you are using an older build, refer to for configuring Bluetooth before tests.

  2. Power on a Bluetooth device in the vicinity, validate that the target detects it:

    user@imx8mpnavq:/home/user# sudo hcitool scan Scanning ... 50:1A:A5:E5:34:8A JABRA BT2045 F0:F6:1C:67:F4:D4 iPhone yur
  3. Power on a BLE device in the vicinity, validate that the target detects it:

    user@imx8mpnavq:/home/user# sudo hcitool lescan LE Scan ... 14:BB:6E:2F:9B:07 (unknown) ^C

3.7. Empty eMMC Boot Time Test

  1. Make sure the system is booted from SD card.

  2. Remove partition table from eMMC:
    $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk2 bs=8M count=100 conv=fdatasync

  3. Reboot and check boot time is about ~25 seconds
    $ sudo reboot

3.8. eMMC Installation and Booting Test

  1. Install images to eMMC as per .

  2. Repeat Ethernet, WiFi and HDMI tests while booting from eMMC.

3.9. USB2-only Power Test

  1. Disconnect all cables (except serial debug) to power off the board.

  2. Use Type-C to Type-C cable and plug it into NAVQ Plus USB2 Type-C (closer to center) and a Laptop with Type-C port.

  3. Validate that the NAVQ Plus boots to login prompt normally (no boot loop).

  4. Use Type-A to Type-C cable and plug it into NAVQ Plus USB2 Type-C (closer to center) and a Laptop/Desktop with Type-A port.

  5. Validate that the NAVQ Plus boots to login prompt normally (no boot loop).

3.10. USB1 Host Mode Test

  1. Plug-in a USB hub into USB1.

  2. Power Up device via USB2.

  3. Plug-in a USB device into the hub.

  4. Verify that the plugged-in device is enumerated (via dmesg).

3.11. USB1 Device Mode Test

  1. Disconnect the cable from USB1.

  2. Reboot the board

  3. Run usb-gadget-mtp1 service:

  4. Connect the USB1 to a desktop host.

  5. Verify that the host recognized NAVQ Plus as an MTP (“NavqPlus” device is shown in the Windows Explorer).

3.12. USB2 Device Mode Test

  1. Power up device using USB1 port

  2. Run usb-gadget-mtp2 service:

  3. Connect the USB2 to a desktop host/laptop.

  4. Verify that the host/laptop recognized NAVQ Plus as an MTP.

  5. Restore back USB Ethernet gadget on USB2 (or just do “sudo reboot” instead):

3.13. RoyaleViewer/Qt Test

  1. Make sure HDMI display and USB Mouse are connected to the kit.

  2. Copy the test file https://emcraft.com/misc/test.rrf to a USB Flash. Insert the USB Flash into the kit.

  3. From the shell prompt, on the serial console, run PMD RoyaleViewer:

  4. On the HDMI display, navigate to “Tools” → “Load File” and load the test file.

  5. Verify that RoyaleViewer plays the saved frames correctly.

3.14. MIPI Cameras Test

Verify the camera functionality as per the respective application notes:

3.15. SLAM/Flexx2 Tests

Follow instruction in the following AN documents for verifying SLAM and object avoidance functionality: