Setting up Bluetooth
1. Bluetooth in the Default Linux Configuration
Your i.MX 8M NAVQ Plus kit arrives with the Linux image ready for Bluetooth operation.
2. Configuring Bluetooth
Linux images starting from release 1.1.5-359 automatically configure Bluetooth at boot time, and no additional actions are needed for using Bluetooth in Linux after boot. Older releases require manual Bluetooth configuration steps described below:
On the i.MX 8M Plus, issue the following command from the Linux shell:
user@imx8mpnavq:/home/user# sudo hciattach ttymxc0 any 115200 flow Device setup complete
Initialize the BT module, validate that the initialization has completed successfully:
imx8mpnavq:/home/user# sudo hciconfig hci0 up user@imx8mpnavq:/home/user# hciconfig hci0: Type: Primary Bus: UART BD Address: D4:53:83:C4:E5:5B ACL MTU: 1016:5 SCO MTU: 60:12 UP RUNNING RX bytes:833 acl:0 sco:0 events:58 errors:0 TX bytes:3232 acl:0 sco:0 commands:58 errors:0
3. Verifying Bluetooth in Linux
When Linux boots, the BT interface is enabled and configured in the default image installed to the kit. Step through the following procedure to configure BT in your local environment and then validate it:
Power on a Bluetooth device in the vicinity, validate that the target detects it:
user@imx8mpnavq:/home/user# sudo hcitool scan Scanning ... 50:1A:A5:E5:34:8A JABRA BT2045 F0:F6:1C:67:F4:D4 iPhone yur
Power on a BLE device in the vicinity, validate that the target detects it:
user@imx8mpnavq:/home/user# sudo hcitool lescan LE Scan ... 14:BB:6E:2F:9B:07 (unknown) ^C