Using SPI Master Mode in FreeRTOS
This application note explains how to use the STM32H7 SPI Master mode in the FreeRTOS demo application.
1. Understanding SPI Master Mode Interfaces
1.1. FreeRTOS SPI Master Mode Implementation
The FreeRTOS BSP provides a device driver for the SPI Master mode operation. The driver is configured (enabled / disabled) at the BSP build time, using the HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED
configuration option, defined in the stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h
1.2. FreeRTOS SPI Master Mode C-Binding API
The SPI Master Mode driver implements the following C-binding API:
Function | Description | Comments |
| ||
| Initialise the SPI according to the specified parameters in the |
| ||
| De-initialise the SPI peripheral |
| ||
| Receive an amount of data in blocking mode |
| ||
| Transmit an amount of data in blocking mode |
The SPI_HandleTypeDef
data structure used in this API has the following definition:
typedef struct __SPI_HandleTypeDef
SPI_TypeDef * Instance; /* SPI registers base
address */
SPI_InitTypeDef Init; /* SPI communication
parameters */
uint8_t *pTxBuffPtr; /* Pointer to SPI Tx
transfer Buffer */
uint16_t TxXferSize; /* SPI Tx Transfer size
__IO uint16_t TxXferCount; /* SPI Tx Transfer Counter
uint8_t *pRxBuffPtr; /* Pointer to SPI Rx
transfer Buffer */
uint16_t RxXferSize; /* SPI Rx Transfer size */
__IO uint16_t RxXferCount; /* SPI Rx Transfer Counter
uint32_t CRCSize; /* SPI CRC size used for
the transfer */
void (*RxISR)(struct __SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi); /* function pointer
on Rx ISR */
void (*TxISR)(struct __SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi); /* function pointer on
Tx ISR */
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmatx; /* SPI Tx DMA Handle
parameters */
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdmarx; /* SPI Rx DMA Handle
parameters */
HAL_LockTypeDef Lock; /* Locking object */
__IO HAL_SPI_StateTypeDef State; /* SPI communication state
__IO uint32_t ErrorCode; /* SPI Error code */
} SPI_HandleTypeDef;
The SPI_InitTypeDef
data structure used in SPI_HandleTypeDef
has the following definition:
typedef struct
uint32_t Mode; /* Specifies the SPI operating mode. */
uint32_t Direction; /* Specifies the SPI bidirectional mode
state. */
uint32_t DataSize; /* Specifies the SPI data size. */
uint32_t CLKPolarity; /* Specifies the serial clock steady
state. */
uint32_t CLKPhase; /* Specifies the clock active edge for
the bit capture. */
uint32_t NSS; /* Specifies whether the NSS signal is
managed by hardware (NSS pin) or by
software using the SSI bit. */
uint32_t BaudRatePrescaler; /* Specifies the Baud Rate prescaler
value which used to configure the
transmit and receive SCK clock. */
uint32_t FirstBit; /* Specifies whether data transfers
start from MSB or LSB bit. */
uint32_t TIMode; /* Specifies if the TI mode is enabled
or not. */
uint32_t CRCCalculation; /* Specifies if the CRC calculation is
enabled or not. */
uint32_t CRCPolynomial; /* Specifies the polynomial used for
the CRC calculation. */
uint32_t CRCLength; /* Specifies the CRC Length used for
the CRC calculation. */
uint32_t NSSPMode; /* Specifies whether the NSSP signal is
enabled or not. */
uint32_t NSSPolarity; /* Specifies which level of SS input/
output external signal (present on
SS pin) is considered as active
one. */
uint32_t FifoThreshold; /* Specifies the FIFO threshold level.*/
uint32_t TxCRCInitializationPattern; /* Specifies the transmitter CRC
initialization Pattern used for the
CRC calculation.*/
uint32_t RxCRCInitializationPattern; /* Specifies the receiver CRC
initialization Pattern used for the
CRC calculation. */
uint32_t MasterSSIdleness; /* Specifies an extra delay, expressed
in number of SPI clock cycle periods,
inserted additionally between active
edge of SS and first data transaction
start in master mode. */
uint32_t MasterInterDataIdleness; /* Specifies minimum time delay
(expressed in SPI clock cycles
periods) inserted between two
consecutive data frames in
master mode. */
uint32_t MasterReceiverAutoSusp; /* Control continuous SPI transfer
in master receiver mode and automatic
management in order to avoid overrun
condition. */
uint32_t MasterKeepIOState; /* Control of Alternate function GPIOs
state. */
uint32_t IOSwap; /* Invert MISO/MOSI alternate
functions. */
} SPI_InitTypeDef;
2. SPI Master Mode CLI Command
The FreeRTOS application implements the following SPI Master mode related CLI command:
Command | Description | Comments |
| Read the SPI flash device ID |
3. Validating SPI Master Operation
Use the following step-wise procedure to validate the SPI Master mode operation:
Connect a m25p32 SPI Flash device (or a similar Flash device) to the SPI1 pins on the carrier board:
On the STM32H7-BSB Rev 1A board: P2.15 (MISO/PG9), P2.16 (MOSI/PD7), P2.13 (nSS/PG10), P2.12 (SCK/PG11);
On the STM32H7-BSB Rev 2A board: P2.3 (MISO/PG9), P2.4 (MOSI/PD7), P2.5 (nSS/PG10), P4.3 (SCK/PA5).
From the FreeRTOS CLI, run the SPI test:
CLI> spi_flash_test 1 Manufacturer ID:0x20 Device ID:0x2016 CFD Length:0x10
Compare the output of the
command with the result of the 0x9F command taken from the datasheet for them25p32
SPI Flash device and listed in the table below:
Manufacturer Identification | Device Identification | CFD Length |
0x20 | 0x2016 | 0x10 |