Using Mikroe WiFi ESP Click in FreeRTOS

Using Mikroe WiFi ESP Click in FreeRTOS

This application note explains how to run a sample TCP server with the WiFi ESP Click card, from the FreeRTOS demo application.

1. Understanding WiFi ESP Click Interfaces

1.1. FreeRTOS WiFi ESP Click Implementation

The FreeRTOS BSP makes use of the STM32CubeH7 software component to provide a device driver for the WiFi ESP Click. The driver is configured (enabled / disabled) at the BSP build time, using the WIFIESP_MODULE_ENABLED and HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED configuration option, defined in the stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h file.

1.2. FreeRTOS WiFi ESP Click C-Binding API

The WiFi ESP Click driver implements the following C-binding API:
