Controlling GPIO in FreeRTOS

Controlling GPIO in FreeRTOS

This application note explains how to control GPIO in FreeRTOS.

The FreeRTOS demo application illustrates the corresponding APIs through controlling of the LEDs and Push-Buttons available on the carrier board.

1. Understanding FreeRTOS GPIO Interfaces

1.1. FreeRTOS GPIO Implementation

The FreeRTOS BSP makes use of the STM32CubeH7 software component to provide a device driver for the STM32H7 GPIO. The driver is configured (enabled / disabled) at the BSP build time, using the HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED configuration option, defined in the stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h file.

1.2. FreeRTOS GPIO C-Binding API

The GPIO driver implements the following C-binding API:




void HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIO_TypeDef * GPIOx, GPIO_InitTypeDef * GPIO_Init)

Initialise GPIO pins in a specified GPIO port

GPIOx is a pointer to the GPIO port registers; CPIO_Init is a pointer to a data structure describing configuration of a specific pin of the given GPIO port (see below)

void HAL_GPIO_DeInit(GPIO_TypeDef * GPIOx, uint32_t GPIO_Pin)

Reset a GPIO pin to default settings

GPIO_Pin is GPIO_PIN_x, х is one of values from 0 to 15

GPIO_PinState HAL_GPIO_ReadPin (GPIO_TypeDef * GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin)

Read state of a GPIO pin

GPIO_Pin is GPIO_PIN_x, х is one of values from 0 to 15; returns one of {GPIO_PIN_RESET = 0, GPIO_PIN_SET}

void HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIO_TypeDef * GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin, GPIO_PinState PinState)

Set or clear a GPIO pin

GPIO_Pin is GPIO_PIN_x, х is one of values from 0 to 15; PinState is either GPIO_PIN_RESET or GPIO_PIN_SET

void HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIO_TypeDef * GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pins)

Toggle specified GPIO pins


The GPIO_InitTypeDef data structure used in the HAL_GPIO_Init interface has the following definition:

typedef struct { uint32_t Pin; /* GPIO pins to be configured */ uint32_t Mode; /* Operating mode for the selected pins */ uint32_t Pull; /* Pull-up or Pull-Down activation for the selected pins */ uint32_t Speed; /* Speed for the selected pins */ uint32_t Alternate;/* Peripheral to be connected to the selected pin */ } GPIO_InitTypeDef;

1.3. FreeRTOS LED and Push-Button Tasks

The FreeRTOS demos application provides two threads illustrating use of the GPIO API from a FreeRTOS application. Specifically:

  • The LED Thread implements a blink pattern on the LED residing on the STM32H750 system-on-module (blink LED at 0.5Hz rate).

  • The Push-Buttons Thread waits for one of the two user push-buttons residing on the STM32H7-BSB carrier board (BTN1 and BTN2) to change its state. As soon as a push-button has been pressed, the thread lilts the corresponding LED residing on the STM32H7-BSB carrier board (LED1 and LED2, respectively). As soon as a push-button has been released, the thread unlits the corresponding LED. Implementation of this thread is interrupt-driven.