Installing Thingy-9151-Lite Images
1. Overview
This application note explains how to install the Zephyr images to the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite hardware platform (refer to Setting Up Thingy-9151-Lite Hardware Platform for a description of the hardware platform).
2. Obtaining Zephyr Images
The Zephyr images to be installed onto the Thingy-9151-Lite platform can be obtained using one of the two approaches, as follows:
Use the prebuilt images provided in Release Notes.
Build the images from the sources, as documented in Building Thingy-9151-Lite Software.
3. Preparing Host
3.1. Installing nRF Util
Download and install the SEGGER J-Link Software from SEGGER - The Embedded Experts - Downloads - J-Link / J-Trace:
sudo dpkg -i JLink_Linux_V794e_x86_64.deb
Install the
package:sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0
Download and install the
package from Releases · NordicSemiconductor/nrf-udev:sudo dpkg -i nrf-udev_1.0.1-all.deb
Download the latest
executable from, give it the execute permission, and move it to a folder that is in the system'sPATH
:Install the
nrfutill device
3.2. Identifying Nordic Devices on the Linux Host
to list all connected development kits, their serial numbers and associated serial ports:Use
to identify the specific devices:In this example, the nRF9161 serial number is
, and the nRF5340 serial number is1050021575
. They should be used to program the corresponding devices.
4. Installing Zephyr Images
4.1. Programming Thingy-9151-Lite Application to nRF9161
If needed, disable access protection on nRF9161:
Program the release image to nRF9161:
Alternatively, program the application image from the build tree:
Reset the board:
4.2. Programming Thingy-9151-Lite Application to nRF5340 Application Core
If needed, disable access protection on the nRF5340 application core:
Program the release image to the nRF5340 application core:
Alternatively, program the application image from the build tree:
Reset the application core:
4.3. Programming Thingy-9151-Lite Application to nRF5340 Network Core
If needed, disable access protection on the nRF5340 network core:
Program the release image to the nRF5340 network core:
Alternatively, program the application image from the build tree:
Reset the network core: