Building C++ Applications

Building C++ Applications

In order to build a C++ application, do the following.

  1. After activation of the cross-build environment (. ./ACTIVATE.sh), run the following command for Cortex-M3 targets (SimpleClass.cc being the application in the below example):

    $ ${CROSS_COMPILE_APPS}g++ -o SimpleClass SimpleClass.cc -mcpu=cortex-m3 $
  2. If your target is Cortex-M4 or Cortex-M7, run the following command instead:

    $ ${CROSS_COMPILE_APPS}g++ -o SimpleClass SimpleClass.cc -mcpu=cortex-m4 $
  3. Run the application on the target (assuming /mnt is NFS-mounted to the host):

    / # /mnt/SimpleClass This program was written on 1-9-1999 This program was modified on 5-10-1999 / #

NOTE: The sample application used in this application note was downloaded from the following web site: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/teaching/comput/C++/examples/index.shtml


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