1. Instructions to Deploy BSP
Perform the following steps:
Setup HOST system in a separate directory (
in this example) using the docker container provided by Toradex for TorizonOS build:$ docker run --rm -it --name=crops6-minimal -v /work/toradex/torizon:/workdir --workdir=/workdir torizon/crops:kirkstone-6.x.y /bin/bash
Setup default git user and e-mail:
$ git config --global user.email "you@example.com" $ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
Initialize the TorizonOS BSP:
$ repo init -u git://git.toradex.com/toradex-manifest.git -b kirkstone-6.x.y -m torizoncore/default.xml
Sync the repositories:
$ repo sync
Download ST32MP2 BSP layer:
$ git -C layers clone -b mickledore https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/meta-st-stm32mp
Download ST32MP2 Torizon compatibility layer:
$ git -C layers clone -b kirkstone git@github.com:EmcraftSystems/meta-torizon-st.git
Replace setup environment link and docker build links:
$ ln -sf layers/meta-torizon-st/scripts/setup-environment setup-environment
2. Instructions to Build BSP Images
Perform the following steps:
Setup the build environment:
$ MACHINE=stm32mp25-eval DISTRO=torizon source setup-environment build-stm32mp25-eval
Build the TorizonOS images:
$ bitbake torizon-core-docker