1. Overview
The instruction below explains how to prepare a Linux host and build Zephyr applications for the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite platform.
2. Installing the nRF Connect SDK
Set up the nRF Connect SDK on a Linux PC as described in the Nordic documentation for the corresponding version. The instruction for v2.5.1 nRF Connect SDK can be found here:
Note that Emcraft maintains the fork of the nRF Connect SDK on GitHub:
Adjust the west init
command to get the branch or release tag specified in the Release Notes document, for example:
west init -m https://github.com/voxelbotics/sdk-nrf --mr voxelbotics-v2.5.1-branch
The Emcraft fork has a slightly modified manifest file
that refers to the Emcraft fork of the Zephyr source code on GitHub:
3. Getting the Source Code of the Thingy-9151-Lite Application
The Thingy-9151-Lite Zephyr application is maintained in the separate GitHub repository:
Just clone it in the same directory where west
was initialized:
git clone git@github.com:voxelbotics/nrf-app -b main
The current branch and release tag are specified in the Release Notes document.
4. Building Thingy-9151-Lite Application for nRF9151/nRF9161
Go to the application directory:
cd nrf-app/thingy9151lite_nrf9151_app/
The boards
subdirectory contains the configurations of the supported boards. The Nordic nRF9161 DK board is already supported in Zephyr, so it is configured using the devicetree overlay:
Build the application for nRF9161 DK using the following command:
west build -b nrf9161dk_nrf9161_ns
The resulting image is build/zephyr/merged.hex
5. Building Thingy-9151-Lite Application for nRF5340 (application core)
Go to the application directory:
cd nrf-app/thingy9151lite_nrf5340_cpuapp_app/
The boards
subdirectory contains the configurations of the supported boards. The Nordic nRF5340 DK board is already supported in Zephyr, so it is configured using the devicetree overlay:
Build the application for nRF5340 DK using the following command:
west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns
The resulting image is build/zephyr/merged.hex
6. Building Thingy-9151-Lite Application for nRF5340 DK (network core)
Go to the application directory:
cd nrf-app/thingy9151lite_nrf5340_cpunet_app/
The boards
subdirectory contains the configurations of the supported boards. The Nordic nRF5340 DK board is already supported in Zephyr, so it is configured using the devicetree overlay:
Build the application for nRF5340 DK using the following command:
west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet
The resulting image is build/zephyr/zephyr.hex