Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Follow the Nordic instructions, but replace the west init... command with the one below to use the Emcraft repositories.

There is a known pitfall with installing the python dependencies using pip: upgrading the cryptography package may result in a non-working pip:

Code Block
   For folks curious about the breakage:

        cryptography 42.0.0 removed this X509_V_FLAG_NOTIFY_POLICY flag: pyca/cryptography@654dccb
        pyOpenSSL 23.2.0 stopped referencing this X509_V_FLAG_NOTIFY_POLICY flag: pyca/pyopenssl@d788a4f

    So, you'll only run into this issue if you're running cryptography >= 42.0.0, and pyOpenSSL < 23.2.0

Either ensure pyOpenSSL is upgraded before cryptography (there is no automatic dependency, so manually upgrade pyOpenSSL before pulling the bulk of the dependencies), or comment (or otherwise disable) out the offending line to restore pip to the working state, than then upgrade pyOpenSSL. Reinstall cryptography if necessary.


Code Block
west init -m --mr voxelbotics-v2.56.1-branch

The Emcraft fork has a slightly modified manifest file

that refers to the Emcraft fork of the Zephyr source code on GitHub:


Code Block
cd nrf-app/thingy9151lite_nrf9151_app/

The boards subdirectory contains the configurations of the supported boards. The Nordic nRF9161 DK board is already supported in Zephyr, so it is configured using the devicetree overlay:


Code Block
west build -b nrf9161dk_nrf9161_ns

The nRF9161 portion of the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite hardware kit is using the out-of-tree board configuration:

Build the application for the nRF9161 SiP of the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite hardware kit using the following command:

Code Block
west build -b thingy9151lite_nrf9161_ns

The resulting image is build/zephyr/merged.hex.


Code Block
cd nrf-app/thingy9151lite_nrf5340_cpuapp_app/

The boards subdirectory contains the configurations of the supported boards. The Nordic nRF5340 DK board is already supported in Zephyr, so it is configured using the devicetree overlay:


Code Block
west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns

The nRF5340 portion of the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite hardware kit is using the out-of-tree board configuration:

Build the application for the nRF5340 application core of the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite hardware kit using the following command:

Code Block
west build -b thingy9151lite_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns

The resulting image is build/zephyr/merged.hex.


Code Block
cd nrf-app/thingy9151lite_nrf5340_cpunet_app/

The boards subdirectory contains the configurations of the supported boards. The Nordic nRF5340 DK board is already supported in Zephyr, so it is configured using the devicetree overlay:


Code Block
west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet

The nRF5340 portion of the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite hardware kit is using the out-of-tree board configuration:

Build the application for the nRF5340 network core of the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite hardware kit using the following command:

Code Block
west build -b thingy9151lite_nrf5340_cpunet

The resulting image is build/zephyr/zephyr.hex.
