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This application note provides instructions on how to set up Home Assistant and the Matter plugin on NAVQ Plus. It also covers the process of connecting a Matter device to the Home Assistant platform.
1. Home Assistant
Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform that allows you to control and automate various smart devices and services within your home. It provides a unified interface to interact with devices from different brands and protocols, enabling seamless integration and automation.
Home Assistant has a large and active community of users and developers who contribute to its continuous improvement. It offers extensive customization options, flexibility, and compatibility with a wide range of smart home devices, making it a popular choice for DIY smart home enthusiasts.
With HomeAssistantHome Assistant, you can integrate all your smart devices into a single unified platform. You can . connect and integrate Matter, Thread, and Zigbee devices. This application note provides guidance on connecting Matter devices using both Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi protocols. To connect to a Zigbee network, you will need a Zigbee adapter. For detailed instructions on Zigbee connectivity, please refer to the Zigbee Adapter section of the Using Zigbee on NAVQ Plus application note.
Similarly, to connect to a Thread network, you will need a Thread adapter. For specifics on setting up a Thread radio co-processor, please consult the Thread Radio Co-Processor section of the Setting up OpenThread Border Router on NAVQ Plus application note.
2. Matter Protocol
The Matter protocol, formerly known as Project CHIP (Connected Home over IP), is an open-source smart home connectivity standard developed by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA). It aims to create a unified and secure standard for smart home devices, allowing them to seamlessly communicate with each other and integrate into different ecosystems.
With the support of major industry players, including Apple, Google, Amazon, and other members of the CSA, the Matter protocol is expected to become a widely adopted standard, driving the growth and development of the smart home industry.
3. Docker
This application note provides instructions on running Home Assistant and Matter Server within Docker containers.
Docker is an open-source platform that enables developers to automate the deployment and management of applications within isolated, lightweight containers. It provides a way to package software and its dependencies into a standardized unit called a container. These containers provide a consistent and portable environment that can run on any system, regardless of its underlying infrastructure.
4. Prerequisites
Before proceeding with the setup, ensure that you have the following:
NAVQ Plus #1: This will serve as the Matter device.
NAVQ Plus #2: This will serve as the Home Assistant server.
5. Software Setup
To enable a user to use Docker, execute the following command:
Switch directory to docker/matter-server
and create a docker-compose
configuration file compose.yaml
for Matter Server:
To verify that the containers have started, use the docker ps
command. Command output should look like thisthe following:
Code Block |
user@imx8mpnavq:~/docker/homeassistant$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES cfbc0752b992 "/init" 25 hours ago Up About an hour homeassistant d87544b232cb "matter-server --sto…" 25 hours ago Up About an hour matter-server |
6. Setting up Home Assistant
To configure Home Assistant, open your browser and enter your NAVQ Plus IP address followed by port 8123. For example,
Proceed with the configuration steps in Home Assistant to create your smart home, including user creation and setting up your home location.
7. Installing Matter Plugin
When the setup is complete, let's proceed to install the Matter plugin. Click the button below to add the Matter integration plugin:
You will be prompted to open your Home Assistant:
Click on the 'Open Link' button. You will be prompted with a message asking, 'Do you want to set up Matter (BETA)?
' Click 'OK'.
Next, you You will be asked to provide the location information for your Matter server:
Click on 'Submit' to finalize the setup setting up of the Matter integration plugin. After completing the process, you will receive a notification confirming the successful creation of the Matter configuration.
8. Home Assistant Companion
You need to use the Home Assistant Companion app on your mobile phone to commission Matter devices.
Connect Home Assistant Companion app to your Home Assistant.
9. Starting Matter Device
Please refer to the Running Matter Device on NAVQ Plus application note for information on how to start the Demo Matter Device that controls the Status LED on NAVQ Plus. Additionally, it will provide instructions on how to obtain the QR code required for the next step.
10. Adding Matter Device Using QR Code
In the Home Assistant Companion app, go to Settings → Devices & Services. Tap on the 'Add Integration' button and select 'Add Matter device' from the list:
When you run Matter Device Python script, the program output will include a link to a QR code for connecting your device via Matter. The link will be in the following format:
You can now click on the slider in the Controls section for TEST_PRODUCT
, and it will turn on (or off) the Status LED on NAVQ Plus.