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This application note explains how to build and run FreeRTOS run-time image for the Emcraft STM32H7 SOM and Starter Kit using STM32CubeIDE.

1. FreeRTOS gits

Emcraft maintains the FreeRTOS sources for the STM32H7 SOM and Starter Kit in the following repository:


The master-1.11.0-cubeide branch contains a project configuration compatible with STM32CubeIDE. This configuration is intended to write the resulting executable binary to the STM32H7 SOM internal Flash and not compatible with the U-Boot boot loader.

2. Software Set-Up

STM32CubeIDE is required on the development host in order to build and debug FreeRTOS. Go to and select the latest version of the IDE. The configuration has been tested with STM32CubeIDE Version 1.14.1 on Windows 11.

3. Hardware Set-Up

The following hardware set-up is required for installation of the software to the STM32H7 SOM:


The following picture illustrates the above hardware set-up for STM32H7-BSB Rev 2A:


4. Adding the FreeRTOS Project to STM32CubeIDE

Run the following step-wise procedure to import FreeRTOS project to STM32CubeIDE:

  1. Create a separate directory and clone the FreeRTOS project for the STM32H7-SOM from the common STM32CubeH7 repository:

    Code Block
    $ mkdir stm32h7-som
    $ cd stm32h7-som
    $ git clone -b master-1.11.0-cubeideemcraft-projects
  2. Start STM32CubeIDE and select a workspace directory. The workspace directory is an arbitrary directory, different from the directory where your source file is located.

  3. Click File->Open Projects from File System:

    image-20240523-104312.pngImage RemovedScreenshot from 2024-05-30 16-38-09.pngImage Added

  4. Select <STM32CubeH7 path>/Projects/STM32H7_SOM/Applications/FreeRTOS/freertos_stm32h750/SW4STM32/STM32H750-SOMfreertos_stm32h7_som path and click Finish.

5. Building the Project

  1. In Project Explorer double click to the freertos_stm32h7_stm32h750som.ioc file to activate the Device Configuration Tool:

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  2. Click Project->Generate Code or press Alt-K to generate C-files from the .ioc file.

  3. Click Project->Build Project or press Ctrl-B to start building.

  4. Select the Console tab and check the output:

    image-20240523-104421.pngImage RemovedScreenshot from 2024-05-30 16-54-48.pngImage Added

  5. If needed, find the executable binaries in the Debug subfolder of the FreeRTOS project directory.

6. Debugging the Project

  1. Click the Debug button at the top panel:

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  2. Apply the launch configuration if prompted:

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  3. Select Remember my decision and switch to the Debug Perspective if prompted:

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  4. Wait for the STM32CubeIDE to write the firmware image to the target via ST-Link and stop at the main() function:

    image-20240523-104643.pngImage RemovedScreenshot from 2024-05-30 17-21-27.pngImage Added

  5. Proceed to execute you program with steps, put breakpoints, and examine variables.

7. Known Problems and Limitations

This section lists known problems and limitations of this project configuration.



  1. LCD is not supported.

  2. U-Boot environment and reliable upgrade are not available because the U-Boot boot loader has been removed.