Versions Compared


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  1. Set up the default git user and e-mail:

    Code Block
    $ git config --global ""
    $ git config --global "Your Name"
  2. Install the repo utility to the development host:

    Code Block
    $ mkdir ~/bin
    $ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
    $ curl > ~/bin/repo
    $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
  3. Create a working directory for the Yocto build, go into that directory:

    Code Block
    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir ~/yocto-workdir
    $ cd ~/yocto-workdir
  4. Initialize the Torizon OS reposiotiy:

    Code Block
    $ repo init -u git:// -b kirkstone-6.x.y -m torizoncore/default.xml
  5. Sync the repositories:

    Code Block
    $ repo sync
  6. Download the ST32MP2 ST32MP BSP layer:

    Code Block
    $ git -C layers clone -b mickledore
  7. Download the ST32MP2 ST32MP Torizon compatibility layer:

    Code Block
    $ git -C layers clone -b kirkstone
  8. Replace the setup environment link and the Docker build link:

    Code Block
    $ ln -sf layers/meta-torizon-st/scripts/setup-environment setup-environment


When the build has successfully completed, the following build artefacts located in the $BUILDDIR/deploy/images/$MACHINE can be used to install Torizon OS to the STM32MP target board (refer to Installing Torizon OS to STM32MP Target Boards Using the STM32 Programmer ToolTargets):

  1. arm-trusted-firmware/ - the directory with FSBL (= Trusted Firmware-A) images:

  2. fip/ - the directory with FIP (= U-Boot) images to be installed to eMMC or SD card:

  3. flashlayout_torizon-core-docker/optee/- the directory with eMMC or SD card layout to be used with the STM32_Programmer

  4. torizon-core-docker-<MACHINE>.ota-ext4 - main TorizonOS OSTree based image, including the Linux kernel images and the root file system.
