RPLIDAR A1 comes with an adapter board with micro-USB connector. Use either direct USB Type-C to Micro-USB cable, or use a USB hub to connect the device to NavQPlus as depicted on the picture below. We suggest using USB 3.0 hub in order to be able to additionally connect PMD Flexx2 camera to the setup.
Step 6. Connect PMD Flexx 2
PMD Flexx2 camera can be additionally connected to the robot. We suggest using a USB 3.0 hub for connecting the camera along with the RPLIDAR A1. We recommend mounting the camera at rear side, preferable on the center, as depicted on the photo below, such that resides at the back to the lidar and looks in forward direction. For the purpose of using the navigation stack configuration without any modifications, the camera eye should be at 20cm +/- 2cm height relative to the floor, 10 cm +/- 1cm back of the robot’s center, and on the center line. The photo below depicts the camera positioning. In case the positioning is altered, the camera configuration should be modified as described in Launching SLAM .
Phase 3. iRobot Create3 Software Setup
On your desktop PC, open a terminal application and type in the following command:
Code Block ssh user@<navqplus-ip> -L 8010:
Log in to the NavQPlus console using “user”/“user” username and password.
Leave the terminal window opened, open a web browser, and type in
in the address line.Select the Connect menu as shown on the picture below.
In the connect page select or type in the WLAN SSID and password, and the press connect button as shown below.
Upon successful connection you would see the following message.
Press the Connect menu button again. On the page you would see the IP address of the robot.
Close the terminal window and type in the Robot’s IP address in the browser address line.
If all is good, then you would end up with the same invitation page as at the address