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  • To build all the projects included in the BSP, run make without specifying a target.

  • To build a specific library or demo, run make with a specified specifying target name (<target_name>):

    Code Block
    make <target_name>

Refer to the README file for the target names of the projects.
It is recommended to build all of the libraries included in the BSP to make them available for further use.


  1. Connect the target board to the Telink "Burning EVK" via Swire as shown in the following picture:
    - Connect EVK SWM pin to the target's SWS pin;
    - Connect the EVK 3V3 (5V) and GND pins to the target's 3V3 (5V) and GND pins, respectively.Sync the Telink "Burning EVK" with the target:

  2. Code Block
    sudo tcdb 9518 sws

    If the target is in the "sleep" mode, run the activate command first:

    Code Block
    tcdb 9518 activate

    Note that the target may also be completely inaccessible via Single Wire interface and will require resetting via the external source.

  3. Sync the Telink "Burning EVK" with the target:

    Code Block
    sudo tcdb 9518 sws
  4. Write a required firmware to the target:

    Code Block
    sudo tcdb 9518 wf <addr> -i <firmware file name> -b

    -b specifies the binary file format;
    <addr> specifies an offset in the SoC's internal Flash. This value is hexadecimal, but it should be used without the "0x" prefix (eg 1000, ff000).

  5. Reset the target using external reset or by power cycling the target.

The BSP contains two demo types:

  • Simple single part demos (the core_drivers project) that should be written to the target with the 0 offset value;

  • BLE demos (ml_ble_platform) that consist of two parts: a "bootloader" that allows OTA firmware updates and


  • working firmware. The "bootloader" should be written with the 0 offset value. The default offset value for the working firmware is 1000.


Reset the target using external reset or by power cycling the target.

Other tcdb Commands

  1. Use the rf command to read from the target’s memory:

    Code Block
    tcdb 9518 rf <addr> -s <size> -o <output file>

    where <addr> is an internal Flash offset (refer to the wf command); -s specifies is the byte count to be read from the target. <size> is decimal, it can contain a decimal value that specifies the k/m suffixes for kilo- and megabytes.

  2. Use the wf command to erase a the target internal Flash:

    Code Block
    tcdb 9518 wf <addr> -s 1 -e

where <addr> is an internal Flash block start offset (hexadecimal). The block size is 4K, so the offset should be multiply of 1000 (eg 1000, 2000, a000). The -s option specifies is the required block count.
Note: tcdb can only erase one block at the time. Values other than 1 take no effect.
