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Refer to Understanding STM32H7 SOM Boot Architecture as a pre-requisite to understanding the installation procedure.

1. Developmnet Host

The following Windows versions and Linux distributions have been explicitly validated by Emcraft:

  • Fedora CoreOS 31.

  • Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Windows 11 with STM32CubeProgrammer v2.16.0.

2. Software Set-Up

The following software set-up is required on the Linux development host, in order to build U-Boot and FreeRTOS:


  • Install the stlink package.
    For Fedora:

    Code Block
    $ sudo dnf install stlink

    For Ubuntu:

    Code Block
    $ sudo apt install stlink

3. Hardware Set-Up

The following hardware set-up is required for installation of the software to the STM32H7 SOM:


The following picture illustrates the above hardware set-up for STM32H7-BSB Rev 2A:


4. Installable Images

The images to be installed onto the STM32H7 SOM can be obtained using one of the two approaches, as follows:

  1. Build the images from the sources, as documented in Building and Running FreeRTOS from Internal Flash Using STM32CubeIDE .

  2. Use the prebuilt images provided by Emcraft. The prebuilt images can be found in the location documented in Release Notes.

5. Installing FreeRTOS to Internal Flash Using stlink Package

Step through the following procedure to install FreeRTOS to the internal Flash of the STM32H750 from the Linux development host:

  1. Run st-info utility to identify the connected ST-Link probe:

    Code Block
    $ st-info --probe
    Found 2 stlink programmers
      version:    V2J29S7
      serial:     <ST-Link SN>
      flash:      131072 (pagesize: 131072)
      sram:       131072
      chipid:     0x450
      dev-type:   STM32H74x_H75x
  2. Run st-flash to write the FreeRTOS image to the internal Flash of the STM32H750:

    Code Block
    $ st-flash --serial <ST-Link SN> --reset write freertos_stm32h750.bin 0x08000000
    st-flash 1.7.0-246-gc721751
    2024-03-28T22:24:47 INFO common.c: STM32H74x_H75x: 128 KiB SRAM, 128 KiB flash in at least 128 KiB pages.
    file freertos_stm32h750.bin md5 checksum: 1ba06518a9735b4e36cb6dec2bf98074, stlink checksum: 0x00777023
    2024-03-28T22:24:47 INFO common_flash.c: Attempting to write 74548 (0x12334) bytes to stm32 address: 134217728 (0x8000000)
    -> Flash page at 0x8000000 erased (size: 0x20000)
    2024-03-28T22:24:48 INFO flashloader.c: Starting Flash write for H7
    74548/74548 bytes written
    2024-03-28T22:24:49 INFO common_flash.c: Starting verification of write complete
    2024-03-28T22:24:50 INFO common_flash.c: Flash written and verified! jolly good!
  3. Verify that FreeRTOS have been successfully installed. Reset the SOM by pressing the S3 button on the carrier board and confirm that the following output appears on the serial UART console:

    Code Block
    Type help to view a list of available commands.

6. Installing FreeRTOS to Internal Flash using STM32CubeProgrammer

Step through the following procedure to install FreeRTOS to the internal Flash of the STM32H750 from the Windows development host.
