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The display driver implements the following C-binding API:




uint8_t BSP_LCD_Init(void);

Initialise LCD and backlight

uint8_t BSP_LCD_DeInit(void);

De-initialise LCD and backlight

uint32_t BSP_LCD_GetXSize(void);

Return LCD width in pixels

uint32_t BSP_LCD_GetYSize(void);

Return LCD height in pixels

void BSP_LCD_LayerDefaultInit(uint16_t LayerIndex, uint32_t FrameBuffer);

Set frame buffer address of layer LayerIndex

void BSP_LCD_SelectLayer(uint32_t LayerIndex);

Activate layer LayerIndex

void BSP_LCD_Clear(uint32_t Color);

Fill frame buffer with color Color

void BSP_LCD_DisplayOn(void);

Turn LCD on

void BSP_LCD_DisplayOff(void);

Turn LCD off

void BSP_LCD_SetBrightness(uint8_t BrightnessValue);

Set LCD brightness

BrightnessValue is from 0 (dimmest) to 100 (brightest)

1.3. LCD CLI Command

The FreeRTOS application implements the following display related CLI command:





ts_goodix_handler * ts_goodix_init(uint8_t bus, uint8_t i2c_addr, uint16_t max_width, uint16_t max_height, GPIO_TypeDef * port, uint32_t pin)

Initialiae Initialize the I2C touch controller

bus is the I2C bus of the I2C touch controller; i2c_addr is the I2C address of the I2C touch controller on the specified I2C bus; max_width is a max width resolution of the touch screen; max_height is a max height resolution of the touch screen; port is the GPIO port which specify an interrupt of the I2C touch controller; pin is the GPIO pin which specify an interrupt of the I2C touch controller; returns the I2C touch controller handle or 0 in case of error

int ts_goodix_read_input(ts_goodix_handler * hts, uint16_t * x, uint16_t * y)

Read data from the I2C touch controller

hts is the I2C touch controller handle; x is coordinates along the X-axis; y coordinates along the Y-axis; returns number of touches in case if the value is from 1 to 5 otherwise operation error (need to rerun the operation)
